Position alternates between TNA, TZA & cash. TNA volume dropped 3 times (yellow bold) signaling buys. The FOSC whipsaws and gives wrong signals during consolidation days (blue low candlevolume days). Position should be in cash during blue underlined days. 9/23/09 was the 2nd day of a two bar upthrust signaling a TNA sell & TZA buy. DISCLAIMER: OPINIONS EXPRESSED ARE NOT TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS. ONLY THE INDIVIDUAL TRADER HIM OR HERSELF IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MONETARY GAINS OR LOSSES THAT MAY OCCUR. PLEASE CONDUCT YOUR OWN DUE DILIGENCE. MARKET OPINIONS EXPRESSED ARE FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Here's something to read: http://www.esnips.com/doc/8ebeca88-7efa-49ea-841c-86e27f212b55/The-Undeclared-Secrets-That-Drive-Stock-Market
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