Later...See Disclaimer above. TNA prices strengthened at the close, causing the TNA FOSC to reverse a positve CP signal. The CP may or may not be ending at this point. If it ended today, we may be entering a yellow up channel. Three indicators signaled a TNA Buy: VIX DEMARKER 2 TNA BUY, VIX DEMARKER 3 TNA BUY, and TICK TOP REVERSAL BUY TNA. The formula for the latter indicator is : =AND(BA271<2.87,DD271<77,ABS(EQ271)>0.05,GS271*GV271<1.55,HT270>1,HU270>1.2,HV270>2,HW270<2.2,(ABS(HT271-HU271)<300),HV271-HW271>0). HT, HU,HV,& HW are the Tick open, close, high & low respectively. DD is the TRIN demarker indicator. EQ, GS,& GV are TZA FOSC calculations. BA is a TNA Klinger Volume Oscillator calculation.
Here's a Golden Fronted Woodpecker in honor of the Front End of a POSSIBLE Yellow Channel.
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